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Stefan Tilk - Blogs Vertis E
Stefan Tilkov is a co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology consulting company with offices in Germany and Switzerland.He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails. This presentation was recorded at GOTOpia November 2020. #GOTOcon #GOTOpiahttp://gotopia.euStefan Tilkov - Co-founder & Principal Consultant at INNOQPart 1 a The REST Uniform Interface identification of resources Wednesday, August 29, 12 resource manipulation through representations hypermedia as the engine of application state self-descriptive messages The REST Uniform Interface identification of resources resource manipulation through representations hypermedia as the engine of application state Stefan Tilkov is the author of REST und HTTP (4.03 avg rating, 29 ratings, 3 reviews, published 2009), SOA-Expertenwissen (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 r HN Theater has aggregated all Hacker News stories and comments that mention GOTO Conferences's video "GOTO 2014 • REST: I don't Think it Means What You Think it Does • Stefan Tilkov". See what Hacker News thinks about this video and how it stacks up against other videos. Stefan Tilkov is co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology consulting company with offices in Germany and Switzerland. He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than a decade, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.
Stefan Tikov is a decent-frequency blogger, tweets at @stilkov and is a frequent speaker at conferences in Germany and abroad. He is the author of the book “REST und HTTP”. Stefan also used to be lead SOA editor on InfoQ. REST is often contrasted with SOAP web services, and other "remote procedure call" oriented web services. Stefan Tilkov's presentations on REST at are quite good, especially this one. For a book, you can't get any better than Richardson and Ruby's Restful Web Services. Stefan Tilkov has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools.
REST und HTTP: Entwicklung und Integration nach - LibraryThing
Det finns en podcast där Stefan Tilkov förklarar REST snyggt. Ja, en vila-api har en fast uppsättning verb, men den behöver inte begränsas till Se: REST API: er måste vara hypertextdrivna ~ Roy T. Fielding (2008) och: REST: Jag tror inte att det betyder vad du tycker det gör ~ Stefan Tilkov (2014). Del 3.
Web APIs part I - The web as an application platform
#GOTOcon #GOTOberhttp://gotober.comStefan Tilkov - Co-founder & Principal Consultant at INNOQABSTRACTIn t rest resultset-seq reverse rseq rsubseq second seq seq? seque set some sort sort-by split-at split-with subseq take take-nth take-while to-array-2d tree-seq vals vec when-first xml-seq Stefan Tilkov Foreword by Stefan Tilkov When I first heard about REST in early 2002, I was a strong believer in the value of the emerging Web services specifications and standards. I … - Selection from SOA with REST: Principles, Patterns & Constraints for Building Enterprise Solutions with REST [Book] Stefan Tilkov He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools.
REST: SOA without Contracts? Stefan Tilkov | innoQ |
Stefan Tilkov's talk "Microservices Patterns and Anti-patterns" from the 2018 MicroCPH Conference.Abstract:A look at some of the good and bad things about Mi
Stefan Tilkov He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than two decades, using a variety of technologies and tools. He has authored numerous articles and the book, REST und HTTP (German), and is a frequent speaker at conferences around the world. This presentation was recorded at GOTO Berlin 2019. #GOTOcon #GOTOberhttp://gotober.comStefan Tilkov - Co-founder & Principal Consultant at INNOQABSTRACTIn t
About Stefan Tilkov. Stefan Tilkov is co-founder and co-CEO at INNOQ, a consultancy with offices in Germany and Switzerland.He also finds it quite weird to talk about himself in the third person singular, so for now, find out more at his author page on
Körkort moped
REST Anti-Patterns In this episode, Artur Ortega explains to Stefan Tilkov what GraphQL is, how it came to be, and how it differs from REST. Predictably, the two debate whether it’s better or not, but also spend some time going over its technical details and applicability to different usage scenarios. Stefan Tilkov’s Random Stuff. 2021/03/01 DDD is Overrated 2021/01/15 Full Text Atom Feed 2021/01/05 IT mit Vernunft 2020/12/23 Keyboard Remapping 2020/12/14 Corona vs. Datenschutz 2020/12/11 Moved to GitHub Pages 2020/12/11 There’s no Testing like Production Testing 2020/12/10 The Impossible Conference 2020/12/07 Öffentliche IT und die Sinnfrage stilkov has 23 repositories available.
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Stefan Tilkov When people start trying out REST, they usually start looking around for examples – and not only find a lot of examples that claim to be “RESTful”, or are labeled as a “REST API”, but
This presentation was recorded at GOTO Amsterdam 2014. #gotocon #gotoamshttp://gotoams.nlStefan Tilkov - SOA & REST Authority, innoQ FounderABSTRACTThese day
In this episode we discuss REST (Representational State Transfer) with Stefan Tilkov. We started out by discussing the 5 steps to REST: IDs, links, Standard Methods, multiple representations and stateless communication.
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HTTP) GET - get order details Stefan Tilkov talks about REST 1 Comment / Work Old but good, this podcast on with Stefan Tilkov talks around the ideas of RESTful applications – why building applications this way makes them part of the web, rather than just “on” the web, and why the REST style exploits the existing architecture of … 41:41 GOTO 2019 • "Good Enough" Architecture • Stefan Tilkov by GOTO Conferences 181,826 views 26:26 GOTO 2014 • Microservices • Martin Fowler by GOTO Conferences 430,277 views 40:39 GOTO 2015 • Agile is Dead • Pragmatic Dave Thomas by GOTO Conferences 303,606 views REST & Caching: Web Services, Accelerated JAOO 2009 Stefan Tilkov, innoQ Tuesday, October 6, 2009 REST Approach A single generic (uniform) interface for everything Generic verbs mapped to resource semantics A standard application protocol (e.g. HTTP) GET - get order details Stefan Tilkov Geschäftsführer und Principal Consultant, innoQ Deutschland GmbH Fokus auf SOA, Web-Services, REST SOA-Editor Herausgeber “SOA-Expertenwissen” (mit Dr. Gernot Starke) Mitglied JSR 311 EG Autor “REST und HTTP”, dpunkt, Juli 2009 heise Developer podcast “SoftwareArchitekTOUR” (mit M. Stal, M. Völter, C. Weyer) Stefan Tilkov. Stefan Tilkov, innoq Deutschland GmbH REST Introduction .
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0. 37 REST api versioning (only version the representation, Stefan Tilkov is co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology consulting company with offices in Germany and Switzerland. He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than a decade, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails. Stefan Tilkov is the author of REST und HTTP (4.03 avg rating, 29 ratings, 3 reviews, published 2009), SOA-Expertenwissen (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 r Stefan Tilkov is co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology consulting company with offices in Germany and Switzerland. He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than a decade, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.
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Stefan Tilkov is a co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology He has authored numerous articles and the book, REST und HTTP (German), REST und HTTP: Entwicklung und Integration nach dem Architekturstil des Web [ Tilkov, Stefan, Eigenbrodt, Martin, Schreier, Silvia, Wolf, Oliver] on He is the author of the book "REST und HTTP". Stefan also used to be lead SOA editor on InfoQ.
Stefan Tilkov Geschäftsführer und Principal Consultant, innoQ Deutschland GmbH Fokus auf SOA, Web-Services, REST SOA-Editor Herausgeber “SOA-Expertenwissen” (mit Dr. Gernot Starke) Mitglied JSR 311 EG Autor “REST und HTTP”, dpunkt, Juli 2009 heise Developer podcast “SoftwareArchitekTOUR” (mit M. Stal, M. Völter, C. Weyer) Stefan Tilkov talks about REST 1 Comment / Work Old but good, this podcast on with Stefan Tilkov talks around the ideas of RESTful applications – why building applications this way makes them part of the web, rather than just “on” the web, and why the REST style exploits the existing architecture of the web. Stefan Tilkov’s Blog Archive. This is a single archived entry from Stefan Tilkov’s blog. For more up-to-date content, check out my author page at INNOQ, which has more information about me and also contains a list of published talks, podcasts, and articles. Or you can check out the full archive. SOAP vs. POX vs.